In message <671286EB-7FAD-4D70-ADDD-EFA0A680B5E8@consulintel.es>, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via anti-abuse-wg <anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
Section 3.0 part 3. Why on earth should it take 15 days for anyone to respond to an email?? Things on the Internet happen in millseconds. If a provider is unable to respond to an issue within 72 hours then they might as well be dead, because they have abandoned all social responsibility.
I fully agree! My original proposal was only 3 working days, but the community told me "no way". This was the same input I got in APNIC and LACNIC (in both regions it reached consensus with 15 days).
So, I will keep 15 days ...
I think this is provable, and also transparently obvious and colossal bullshit, but that's just my opinion.
And mine!, but as a proposal author, I need to try to match as much as poss= ible the wishes of the community.
You are hereby officially absolved from all guilt in the matter. In nomine patri et fili spiritu sancte. Go in peace my son, and do what you have to do. Regards, rfg