Sorry to say this but I don't believe it is the Sony corporation, Based on;

The domain he's sending from, I understand that Sony may have outsourced their copy write claims but have you looked at "their" website? it's a little blank for a copywrite claim company.

The records for the domain sounds to me more like somebody is trying to hide something, Not that I'm saying the privacy option is a bad thing.

Also the wording he was using in his original Email " including the powerful internationally functional" Since we are talking about India here the fbi have no jurisdiction. 

And again the wording "or else get ready to be sued for damages" does not sound like the language a lawyer would use
And again "This is the legal department of (Sony Music Entertainment India P.Ltd )"  yet your email address is

I think it's either somebody with a grudge against or somebody is having a laugh !!

But if I'm wrong .........


Wayne Roberts