On 21 February 2017 at 16:27, Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
The question before the house is ripe's mailing list software being configured to appropriately rewrite headers to support dmarc

As this is a topic that interests me in my day job, I tried to read up on the IETF list on how to " appropriately rewrite headers to support dmarc"

I was not able to see that there was consensus on how that should be done. The consensus seemed to be that there is still work to be done for
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance WG - but I am not sure I understand the problems well enough.

Perhaps a topic for the wg to discuss further at the upcoming meeting - if somebody has some experiences to share.

My own conclusion is that I cannot turn on DMAC other than for logging, if I still want to be subscribed to mailinglists.
I have turned it on for oslo.net and using dmarcian.com to analyse the results.


Hans Petter Holen - hph@oslo.net - +47 45066054