Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I know better, but

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:05 AM HRH Prince Sven Olaf von CyberBunker <> wrote:

don't like the activities of some entities on the internet? 1: figure out who they are, if -need be- get a court order against their isp to fork up the details (make sure you harrass the right one) 2: take that entity doing it to court...

if it's not 'illegal' or 'criminal' where they just so happen to operate from... bad luck for you. they can do as they please. live with it.

Right you are!

You quoted earlier the "Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)". Why complain here, why not take the bothersome DNSBL maintainers in the court?

