Leo Vegoda wrote:
On 10/03/2009 11:17, "peter h" <peter@hk.ipsec.se> wrote:
UCE or spam is illegal in some countries, however legal authorities does not seem willing to hunt and procecute.
No, they are willing but they are unable in most cases.
I've spoken with a number of police officers involved in tackling e-crime issues and on the whole it seems to be a resource issue rather than a willingness issue. Training a police officer how to handle an investigation into something quite 'virtual' is not an easy or cheap task. This means there aren't very many trained officers and so they tend to be assigned to investigating the most serious offences.
Spam and Abuse is forbidden in Germany. We had a lot of cases, from normal data crime (like competitors trying to spy some data from our customers) to illegal archiving to hacks, scans and password attacks, where we helped customers to identify problems and tried to bring the attacker to court according to German law. So we were always involved and cooperated quite close with the legal entities here. I can only say, that the entities in Germany are well equipped and trained, know defny what they are doing and are very willing. We had a lot of very positive results, if the attack started in Germany or other european countries, wich have similar laws. And the entities always have one big problem: - most attacks are started via abuse dial-in IPs somewhere in the world where they cannot work together with the provider, because provider has no interest So, its always the same, its not that the legal entities are not willing, its the providers, that are not willing to help to trace any abuse back to the real originator. This is one more reason to stop all spambot networks so that nobody can hide anymore ... Kind regards, Frank
-- Mit freundlichen Gruessen, -- PHADE Software - PowerWeb http://www.powerweb.de Inh. Dipl.-Inform. Frank Gadegast mailto:frank@powerweb.de Schinkelstrasse 17 fon: +49 33200 52920 14558 Nuthetal OT Rehbruecke, Germany fax: +49 33200 52921 ====================================================================== Public PGP Key available for frank@powerweb.de