

The point is: if there is an auto-responder, there won't be an absolute and definitive invalidity of the answer.

But additional investigations would be conducted, of course.

RIPE NCC Impact Analysis will cover these aspects.




-----Message d'origine-----
De : Nick Hilliard []
Envoyé : lundi 25 septembre 2017 16:37
Cc : Malcolm Hutty;
Objet : Re: [anti-abuse-wg] 2017-02: what does it achieve? wrote:

> To be clear regarding the acceptability of the auto-responder:


> It refers to "If no valid reply is received by RIPE NCC within two

> weeks (including if the email bounces back), the “abuse-mailbox:”

> contact attribute will be marked as invalid"


So, to be clear, it would be fully policy compliant if someone:


- registers IP address space with the RIPE NCC, with contact information point to a PO box in Panama or BVI.

- sets up an abuse mailbox with an autoresponder, where all emails are thrown into the bin

- ignores all attempts at contact regarding abuse queries, whether from LEAs or not


If this is the case, what problem is this proposal trying to solve?




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