Examples of shady networks aside (and there seem to be rather more in the RIPE region than the average RIR has .. but that's another can of worms), this is not a tools deficiency in RIPE NCC, I fully agree with Leo there.  These tools are great.

I only wish I could say as much for the processes behind all this.


On Tuesday, March 12, 2013, Reza Farzan wrote:
Hello Leo,

You are right in stating that many networks "have no interest in handling
the abuse reports."

A good example is DetectNetwork.US that manages Net Range: - They have listed "abuse@detectnetworks.us" as
their abuse contact, but this address is invalid and any report sent to this
address comes back with an error message.

Apparently, www.egihosting.com is the parent company of DetectNetwork.US,
and they might be aware of this problem, but the above incorrect address
remains on the Whois listing.

Thank you,

Reza Farzan


-----Original Message-----
From: anti-abuse-wg-bounces@ripe.net [mailto:anti-abuse-wg-bounces@ripe.net]
On Behalf Of Leo Vegoda
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 10:25 PM
To: Arnold
Cc: anti-abuse-wg@ripe.net
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Abuse Reporting Issues


On Mar 11, 2013, at 11:30 am, Arnold <wiegert@telus.net> wrote:


> Since I have been reporting SPAM for some time, missing, out-of-date  or
> inaccurate contact information has always been a problem.

It always will be. There were 43,809 maintainers in the database on 11 March
according to ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/split/ripe.db.mntner.gz. It
doesn't take a particularly large churn in the staff or organisational
structures at network operators for an appreciable fraction of the social
data to become unreliable each year.

> A number of contact addresses are listed as some public general mail
> server such as gmail, hotmail etc.
> All of those are pretty much useless.
> Since RIPE registers the actual user, it should insist on a usable
> contact address at the registering organization.

I think you are equating the requirement to list an address with a
commitment to actually handle abuse reports. While there's nothing wrong
with improving contact information publication tools, it's the will to
handle the reports that's really important. If people want to receive
reports and use the information to improve their network operations they
will make sure they are easy to contact. The reason people do not publish
useful contact information is because they have no interest in handling the
reports and not because of a deficiency in the tools provided by the RIPE
NCC or any other RIR.



--srs (iPad)