In message <>, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ <> wrote:
Whois, as everything in the life, has good and bad things.
Against: Privacy invaded. In fact, when you register a new domain and you associate a visible email to it, in a matter of hours, you get spam.
This is an entirely specious argument used in an attempt to justify a ridiculous conclusion. It's like saying that if one goes out out of one's home, then there is a finite non-zero chance that one will be run over by a drunk driver, and that therefore, everyone should stay inside and never leave their homes. This "solution" is being offered in place of the obvious one, i.e. working to identify drunk drivers and then working to get them off the roads (or equivalently, working to identify spammers and then working to get them off the Internet, which is what I do). To be clear, I really don't care if any set of private citizens decide for themselves, and of their own free will, that they should never leave their homes in order to avoid ever being run over. That's their choice to make. What I -do- mind is regional governmental bodies, such as the unelected European Council, dictating to me, and to everyone else on the planet, European or otherwise, that we all -must- deal with the problem of drunk drivers by staying inside our homes 24/7. Just because you Europeans have become infected with some kind of obscure mental disease that impairs your abilities to think clearly, or to effectively differentiate reasonable solutions to problems from silly ones, do you really have to go around *spreading* this disease to the rest of the world? (I won't even ask what makes you all think that you have the divine right to do so. I doubt that the answer would be any different today than it was in the year 1095.) Regards, rfg