Gilles, Yes, it my hope that the will of the WG, as expressed through the mailing list, will be made clear on this. Brian Gilles Massen wrote, On 04/11/2014 15:28:
Without wanting to argue on the local presence for the election, I wanted to know whether you think if the chair-selection-process should be considered a kind of policy (and thus be decided consensus based on the mailing list), or rather something to be managed under the authority of the chair? Or in-between? (...and no, I'm not proposing a PDP to define the process for selecting a process for choosing WG chair - this is not ICANN after all...)
best, Gilles (who is slightly annoyed for having to chose between MAT-wg and anti-abuse-wg...)
On 4/11/2014, 15:04 , Brian Nisbet wrote:
Apologies for the long delay on this, here is some very slightly revised text. It hasn't diverged much from the text of the 26th of September, but I've taken into account a number of comments that were made, especially around language.
It is still my intention, at least initially, to limit this to the people in the room at a WG session at a RIPE meeting, but obviously this is up to the WG, so we can discuss this tomorrow.