On May 26 Andre wrote:
> (you can also change your own, if you like - you can even install a plugin called nivo slider, with an outdated version
> and see what bots come around whahahaha)
Many thanks for your tip but I do not have that kind of problem. I do not have a website and I do not need email marketing.
In the very small city that I live in, with 12 million inhabitants (more than 21 million in the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo), my professional contact is always with the owner of the company, never with employees. And they've known me since the 80's and they know what I do and how I do.
> Anyway - just so I understand you correctly, the reason that this
> http://spfbl.net/en/dnsbl/
> crowd lists IPs has NOTHING to do with actual abuse - but either to do with the fact that you are Google/Hetzner.de or because they collect and believe       > published version numbers? or they "think" you may be doing abuse?
I did not know my English is so bad. I do not know spfbl.net and I do not use information from anti-spam companies because my research is more appropriate than yours. You are rambling and have a bad habit of judging who you do not know. Information about your WordPress outdated I got into
It is interesting to note that from yesterday to today, your website went from "high risk", according to Sucuri.net, to "low risk" (what nonsense!) and your WorldPress is updated with version 4.7.5. You can make the joke you want with the versions, but you ran to update your WorldPress, yesterday or today.
About virtual or real honeynets, make contact WITH SPFBL.NET and help them! They are your colleagues.
Do you like to prejudge? Buy a crystal ball!
From: ox
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] fake abuse lists
On Fri, 26 May 2017 05:24:51 -0300
"Marilson" <marilson.mapa@gmail.com> wrote:
> > look at the headers of this email, check my hetzner.de IP number
> > and then do the same for other reporting systems... 
> BTW, your WordPress is outdated (under 4.7.5). Website outdated means
> "high risk" and can be listed by mistake. ;)
> About virtual or real honeynets, make contact and help them!
just in case you are correct and there are people that believe
version info on scams websites :)  - i have changed the version info
(you can also change your own, if you like - you can even install a
plugin called nivo slider, with an outdated version - and see what bots
come around whahahaha)

About helping honeynets/traps/scamtraps:

Anyway - just so I understand you correctly, the reason that this

crowd lists IPs has NOTHING to do with actual abuse - but either to do
with the fact that you are Google/Hetzner.de or because they collect
and believe published version numbers? or they "think" you may be doing

This is hard to believe? are you sure?
