
First I don't see how this topic is related to the anti abuse working group.

Secondly the entire article is basically characstic assassination.

It says RIR does not have a policy for commercialization of IP addresses, while all RIR have transfer policy, and four out of five have listing services for sellers and entire pages for brokers.

It says NRS wants RIR to become bookkeeper while the founder of RIPE Rob said "RIPE is just bookkeeper" as what he was founded for.

The only relevant piece about anti abuse WG probably it mentions AFRINIC's allegation on Cloud Innovation's IP being used:

"relate to illegal gambling, illegal streaming of movies and other copyrighted content, or adult content/pornography sites, including some with indecent images of children."

In which it totally failed to mention that Cloud Innovation merely received allegations from AFRINIC that its IP was being used for such content, and when cloud innovation asked AFRINIC to provide actionable information(i.e which IP) in four hours about indecent images of children like any responsible operator would do, AFRINIC refused to do so. 

So AFRINIC, and its ex-CEO admittedly knowing potential child abuse site and refuse to provide actionable information to operator to shut it down(i.e our customer who leased IP from us), by many jurdictions law, they are very likely committing aiding and abbeting child abuse.

And that is not mentioned anywhere in the register.

And then the notion that cloud innovation taking away IP addresses from AFRICA, didn't IP all come from IANA, anyone know how IP being allocated know that applying IP though one RIR instead of another is simply bringing IP to that RIR, not taking away from it,because that RIR then use this need as part of justification get more from IANA, wasn't that just common sense?(and by timing and calculation, cloud innovation allows AFRINIC get at least additional /8 from IANA)

I want to have a stable RIR system, the whole register thing came after I ran for APNIC election where I advocate proper governance of APNIC, instead of being limited by share companies and the only share being held by its only director.

Some people don't like it, I get it, but in the long run, a community based, bottom up system that does not overreach its limit, is what preserves the longevity of the RIR system.

On Mon, 3 Jul 2023 at 17:30, Cedric Pernet <cedricpernet@people.ops-trust.net> wrote:
Hi all,

Just saw this one on Lu Heng, NRS, AFRINIC...




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