Morning, It seemed easier to bring all of these things into one post. First off, the proposals. Suresh, I'm not sure which proposal from Uwe you're talking about, sorry, but Tobias & Piotr's proposals, or at least the addressing of the issues they identified are progressing. Tobias has been in discussion with the NCC DB group and the other proposals are, well, proposed to be dealt with by the task force. So, that task force... We've agreed the basic structure and aims and I'd expect an announcement to go out either this week or early next week. The TF will be an open, although in an attempt to focus the work, there will be some limits on the membership, however the ongoings and results will be public and discussed. I'm no fan of secrecy and while I appreciate it is required in some areas of anti-abuse, I strongly prefer to avoid it where possible. Finally, while discussion about and awareness of v6 is a very important thing, including how it will impact on anti-abuse, I think the current discussions have been veering more than a little off topic. Thanks, Brian.