Thanks, Emile, and to all the other persons in the mailing list who replied.
I'll check out REX!

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [anti-abuse-wg] Antispam measures
> Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 14:48:10 +0200
> Triggered by this email thread I decided to take a closer look at data
> for Ukrtelecom using the Resource Explainer tool we presented at RIPE59.
> Here are my findings:
> Hope people find it useful.
> best regards,
> Emile Aben
> RIPE NCC Research Engineer
> Chimel Chimel wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am not sure this mailing list is still active, the latest archived
> > mail dates back from over a year ago.
> > I have 3 questions for this mailing list:
> >
> > 1) Does RIPE or other registrars impose antispam fighting measures or a
> > code of conduct to the ISPs or telcos it allocates IP ranges to?
> > For instance, do these registrar customers specifically sign an
> > agreement never to post spam themselves. Do they also sign an agreement
> > to terminate IP sub-allocation or contract with their own customers who
> > are using their IP addresses to post spam?
> >
> > 2) If there is such measures, how does RIPE enforce them?
> >
> > 3) What does RIPE intends to do about Ukrtelecom, who is alone
> > responsible for hundreds of thousands of daily spam posts in discussion
> > forums and BBSs?
> > According to the people in, every single post
> > emanating from ukrtelecom is spam, there is not a single genuine user
> > from that telco.
> > How can RIPE allocate hundreds of separate IP ranges to this single
> > telco, especially if it is only a support for spam, not a telco at all.
> > When querying the RIPE database for ukrtelecom, it returns 300 IP
> > ranges, but that's only because the web site is limited to 300 answers.
> > I'd like to see the whole list in order to ban it all from my forum,
> > even if it means banning genuine users from Ukraine.
> > And of course, when I say ukrtelecom is a spammer site, I really means
> > it is a mafia site that makes millions of dollars every month in illegal
> > activities, selling dangerous fake medicines such as viagra or tamiflu.
> > In these times of IP addresses shortening, it would make a lot more IPs
> > available if the registrars would cancel IP allocation from the
> > customers who break the antispam rules.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chimel.
> >
> > By the way, a BBS seems to be a more adequate way than a mailing list to
> > handle this kind of discussion. Just my 2 cents.
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Gratuit : Hotmail plus rapide avec Internet Explorer 8 ! Cliquez ici !
> > <>

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