On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, Sascha Luck [ml] wrote:
On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 01:00:24PM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
In all of the apartments I've ever rented in my life, if you violated the rules then you would be out on your ear in three days.
This is a horrible analogy.
Allow me to disagree. It's an excellent analogy. Rules broken = finito. But this is not what is being proposed. We are trying to propose due process, allowing for any claim to be looked into, confirmed, appealed and ratified. However, the main point is that _today_ hijacking is NOT against any RIPE active policy -- so there is absolutely no consequence.
If there was only one provider of apartments in your region and every violation of "the rules" would result in homelessness, I would be willing to bet that whoever made that policy would be swinging from a street lamp in very short order.
Or people would move to a different region. <irony> Perhaps to a region where contracts were just something useless, and rules are written just for the fun of it -- because their purpose is to be worthless anyway... </irony> Regards, Carlos
rgds, SAscha Luck