ac <> you wrote:
rfg wrote:
And by the way, one can't help wondering what makes you so eager to defend spammers AND those who sell them services. You aren't by any chance in the bulk emailing business, or in the bulk emailing support business yourself, are you? Sorry, but under the circumstances I think it is altogether reasonable to ask. Regards, rfg
wow. you are even a more sucky person than I thought... and now everyone knows what and whom you are.
A simple yes or no would do. I'll repeat the question. Are you yourself in the bulk emailing business, or do you provide support services to those who are? It's a fairly simple question. Are you reluctant to provide a clear answer? If you're going to be giving advice to people for how they should or should not be attempting to get spammers removed from the Internet, then maybe you should first reveal whether or not you personally have any vested personal interest in the matter which might possibly color your opinions on this specific topic. Regards, rfg