On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 05:09:42PM -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
I'm not persuaded that it is. Here on this side of the pond we do not, in general, suffer fools gladly -or- coddle troublemakers, especially when it comes to private commercial contractual arrangements, which is, after all, what all of the relations between RIPE and its members actually are.
Inevitably followed by a multi-year, multi-instance lawsuit. Assuming you have the wherewhithal to afford the law. We, in the RIPE NCC Service Region, have so far avoided this and the relations between the NCC and the members have been mostly congenial. If the NCC gets turned into a drumhead court-martial, this will change and I, for one, would not welcome this change.
If there was only one provider of apartments in your region...
Fortunately this hypothetical does not actually apply, either to apartments in my local community or to IP addresses on planet earth, and thus it does not seem worthy of further exploration.
Am I writing in Old Enochian that even the simplistic concept of Service Regions is not understood? In the RIPE NCC Service Region, the RIPE NCC is the only provider for internet resources. Full Stop. An Alphabet Inc. or Facebook can get resources all over the world. Joe Bloggs ISP Ltd can NOT. rgds, SL
Regards, rfg