With likely the last update to the agenda (but who knows...) for the
meeting in Warsaw. A very full agenda, as you can see, lots to discuss!
A. Administrative Matters
* Welcome
* Scribe, Jabber, Stenography
* Microphone Etiquette
* Approve Minutes from RIPE 67
* Finalise agenda
B. Update
* B1. Recent List Discussion
* B2. AA-WG Charter
C. Policies
D. Interactions
* D1. Working Groups
* D2. Proof of Identity Discussions - RIPE Policy 2007-01
* D3. RIPE NCC Gov/LEA Interactions Update
E. Presentation
* E1. Anti-Abuse, the view from the messaging world” - MAAWG
* E2. Impact of abuse-c - Bengt Gördén
* E3. "Abuse-c: Next Steps" - Denis Walker, Christian Teuschel
* E4. "Introduction to Contact Databases for Abuse Handling" -
Aaron Kaplan
X. A.O.B.
Z. Agenda for RIPE 69