Apologies for the delay, but here is the draft agenda for the meeting at
16:00 on Thursday 8th October.
A. Administrative Matters
* Welcome
* Finalise agenda
* Approve minutes from RIPE 58
B Update
* B1. Fast-Flux Legitmacy & Network Abuse Update
- Richard Cox
* B2. Recent List Discussion - Abuse contacts, Sanctions etc.
C. Technical Measures
* C1. RIPE NCC Tools for Anti-Abuse
- Mark Dranse, RIPE NCC
D. Interactions
* D1. Working Groups
- Database Working Group, IRT objects.
* D2. Law Enforcement Interaction
E. Documents
E1. BCP Documentation - IRT object/abuse contact recommendations
X. A.O.B.
Z. Agenda for RIPE 60; Plenary Presentations