Executive Board Nomination: Maria Häll
Morning, I wish to nominate Maria Häll, CEO of SUNET, as a candidate for the RIPE NCC Executive Board. Maria has a long history of involvement with the Internet and the RIPE Community. She has extensive experience in the arena of international Internet Governance, along with her work with the Swedish Government, SUNET (the Swedish NREN) and the RIPE Cooperation Working Group. Maria has demonstrated the ability to act as a mediator and facilitator, without compromising her goals or those of the organisations she represents. In the rapidly changing world in which we now live and work, these skills are vital. All of this makes her eminently qualified for a seat on the Executive Board. Nominator's Name: Brian Nisbet Nominator's Organisation: HEAnet Ltd Nominators's LIR RegID: ie.heanet Candidate's Name: Maria Häll -- Brian Nisbet, Network Operations Manager HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network 1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1 Registered in Ireland, no 275301 tel: +35316609040 fax: +35316603666 web: http://www.heanet.ie/
participants (1)
Brian Nisbet