RIPE NCC Executive Board Nomination by
Your full name: Job Snijders Your email address: Your organisation: Job Snijders Your LIR RegID: nl.jobsnijders Name of the person you wish to nominate/support: Remco van Mook Nominee's email address: Reason for nominating the candidate: I'd like to nominate Remco van Mook for the RIPE Executive Board election. Remco's has a remarkable tenure in serving the Internet community. He has a thorough understanding of all aspects of the Internet: technical, legal, financial, and political. Remco has a keen eye for potential process risks which could harm the NCC organization and/or the Internet. As a novice board member I've often times enjoyed the benefits of his perspective on history and developments of the NCC. I'd love to continue working as colleagues!
participants (1)
AGM Nominations