RIPE NCC Executive Board Nomination by
Your full name: Alireza Ghafarallahi Your email address: Your organisation: Mizban Dadeh Iranian Co. (Ltd) Your LIR RegID: ir.irandata Name of the person you wish to nominate/support: Alireza Ghafarallahi Nominee's email address: Reason for nominating the candidate: I'm interested to nominate myself for the RIPE NCC Executive Board election. I supported with 20 years of executive experience in core Internet infrastructure technology and I have a good knowledge about the RIPE structure, besides I have a great background in management and financial. I have many ideas how to make RIPE NCC more efficient, transparent & divers. Moreover, I'm a RIPE NCC arbiter since 2012. I know about Iranian LIRs everyday troubles due to USA sanction against their country, I do believe Internet governance is no place for politics, so many things have to be done in RIPE NCC and other RIR's regarding this.
participants (1)
AGM Nominations