RIPE NCC Executive Board Nomination by
Your full name: Salam Yamout Your email address: Your organisation: Netflix Your LIR RegID: Name of the person you wish to nominate/support: Salam Yamout Nominee's email address: Reason for nomination: In times of uncertainty, I believe that RIPE NCC needs a stable and experienced board. Having been on the board between 2013-2019, I can bring this experience and stability. I worked with some of the existing board members in the past and we were able, together, to manage challenging situations. My experience across sectors (private companies, International organizations, and governments) and across geographies (Middle East and Europe) allows me to understand how stakeholders think and act across the continuum. I have a neutral yet well informed point of view, bringing another perspective, one built on neutrality and respect of cultures and diversity.
participants (1)
AGM Nominations