RIPE NCC Executive Board Nomination by
Your full name: Falk von Bornstaedt Your email address: Your organisation: BENOCS Your LIR RegID: de.BENOCS Name of the person you wish to nominate/support: Harald Summa Nominee's email address: Reason for nomination: I know Harald for over 20 years, I have competed heavily with him for a decade, hard but always fair. I have also worked together with him in the DE-CIX customer advisory board and can rate his abilities. Harald Summa is an internet pioneer who played a key role in setting up and managing eco - the association of the European Internet Industry and DE-CIX, one of the biggest internet exchanges. He is a visionary who could contribute to the future role of RIPE NCC. He has a broad experience in management roles, for example he is member of the supervisory board of DE-CIX Group AG. He would definitely add value to the RIPE NCC Executive board and I can recommend to vote for him.
participants (1)
AGM Nominations