Your full name: Josva Kleist Your email address: Your organisation: NORDUnet A/S Your LIR RegID: dk.nordunet Name of the person you wish to nominate/support: Maria Häll Nominee's email address: Reason for nomination: On behalf of the Nordic NRENs DeiC, Funet, RHnet, Sikt and SUNET, NORDUnet nominates Maria Hall for re-election to the RIPE NCC Executive Board. Maria is the CEO of the Swedish NREN Sunet and a long term active member of the Ripe community. She is a strong proponent of the Internet as an open infrastructure serving all of society. Maria is seasoned on governance work having had several different foles and her reflection to the RIPE NCC EB will help to ensure continuity and stability in the work of the board.