Your full name: Carl Williams Your email address: cwilliams@linode.com Your organisation: linode Your LIR RegID: us.linode Name of the person you wish to nominate/support: William Sylvester Nominee's email address: william.sylvester@addrex.net Reason for nominating the candidate: I wish to nominate William Sylvester to the RIPE executive board. William served as chair of the RIPE Database Working Group and has an intimate knowledge of RIPEs policies, procedures, inter-workings as well as deep understanding of all other RIR detailed policies and actives. While he as industry experience with executive management of Internet numbering and technical responsibility for support root servers. With these responsibilities lead to significant achievements and is someone who makes things happen. William will bring a unique experience to the board and cares very much about the RIPE community at large and those that are part of it. I highly recommend the placement of William Sylvester name to the RIPE governing executive board. Please feel free to contact me for follow-up. Carl Williams Director of Network Strategy and Innovation Linode cwilliams@linode.com 267-254-9142