Hi, I would like to nominate Dmitry Burkov to keep his seat in the Executive Board. I am an LIR Contact for us.v4escrow, ro.adnet, ro.securitylayer. Nominations and support submissions should include the following information: - Your full name : Elvis Daniel Velea - Your organisations : V4Escrow, LLC, Adnet Telecom Services SRL, SecurityLayer Hosting Solutions SRL - Your LIR RegIDs: us.v4escrow, ro.adnet, ro.securitylayer - Name of the candidate you wish to nominate/support: Dmitry Burkov Please let me know if these 'three' nominations should be sent one by one :) regards, Elvis -- <http://v4escrow.net> Elvis Daniel Velea Chief Executive Officer Email: elvis@V4Escrow.net <mailto:elvis@v4escrow.net> US Phone: +1 (702) 475 5914 EU Phone: +31 (0) 61458 1914 Recognised IPv4 Broker/Facilitator in: This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original.Any other use of this email is strictly prohibited.