Dear Team, I wish to nominate Christian Kaufmann, Director Network Services, Akamai Technologies, as a candidate for the RIPE NCC Executive Board. He has broad knowledge of Internet and is a part of the RIPE community for many years. Christian is currently a member of the RIPE NCC Executive Board and it is highly appreciated. I therefore nominate Christian to be re-elected to the RIPE NCC Executive Board. Nominator's Name: Maxim Alzoba Nominator's Organisation: Garant-Park-Telecom Nominators's LIR RegID: ru.gpt Candidate's Name: Christian Kaufmann Sincerely Yours, Maxim Alzoba Operation manager RU-CENTER Group phone +7 (495) 7375749 # 37454 mobile +7 (916) 6761580 E-mail: P.s: Garant-Park-Telecom is a part of RU-CENTER Group