Your full name Pershin Serge Your email address Your organisation DC "Ukrainian Internet Exchange" Your LIR RegID ua.uaix Name of the person you wish to nominate/support Taras Geychenko Nominee's email address Reason for nominating the candidate We all got used to important role of RIPE in our region and at international scene. It includes many technical issues like IP addresses distribution or development of the ATLAS net that provide map of statistics for members of program. It also includes taking into account the RIPE NCC members during tech policies development or financial issues resolving. And it is also community formation to elaboration of common approaches to Internet development and governance. These are very important achievements and they should be further developed. In particular we need active RIPE participation outside of west Europe. RIPE should promote modern technologies and approaches for overall region. It is needed to facilitate the wider community forming and engage countries that have little representation in RIPE community. RIPE can became a platform for communication of national IGF’s, helps to work out and to adopt as wide as possible common approaches to Internet governance and at the same time to keep freedom of existence in the net that people got used to.