AW: [address-policy-wg] 2006-01 New Draft Document Published (Provider Independent (PI) IPv6 Assignments for End User Organisations)

I can only agree with this. IPv6 PI is in progress far to long by now, so let's finally get it done. regards, Marcus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Systemtechnik Internet / Internet Engineering Versatel West GmbH Unterste-Wilms-Strasse 29 D-44143 Dortmund Fon: +49-(0)231-399-4486 | Fax: +49-(0)231-399-4491 | Sitz der Gesellschaft: Dortmund | Registergericht: Dortmund HRB 21738 Geschäftsführer: Marc Lützenkirchen, Dr. Hai Cheng, Dr. Max Padberg, Peter Schindler ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AS8881 / AS8638 / AS13270 | MG3031-RIPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Marco Hogewoning Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009 14:19 An: Gert Doering Cc: Betreff: Re: [address-policy-wg] 2006-01 New Draft Document Published (Provider Independent (PI) IPv6 Assignments for End User Organisations)
On 10 feb 2009, at 13:47, Gert Doering wrote:
What you ("you" as in "the community") now need to make up your mind about is:
- do you want to accept 2006-01 as it is right now, in version 5.0, and make amendments for the "LIR to itself" special case later on (to go forward, I hear people are really waiting for it).
- do you want to adapt 2006-01, which means "at least one extra round of discussion/review phase".
Let me voice support for 'move on as is' and discuss any changes to it in a new proposal. This whole PI thing has been on hold for too long.
participants (1)