W dniu 08.03.2019 o 21:15, Gert Doering pisze:
I don't think anything built by Cisco in the last 10 years falls into the "IPv4 in hardware, IPv6 in software" category anymore. Maybe even 15 years.
Instead of spreading outdated information, better spend the time working with those vendors that still ship broken implementations, or take your money elsewhere.
If you look for excuses why you are not deploying IPv6, there will be plenty (see http://ipv6excuses.com). If you *want* to deploy, all the difficulties can be overcome - we've run IPv6 in production quality (= no performance penalty, fully monitored, etc.) since close to 20 years now. And yes, lots of obstacles in the beginning.
What is outdated? That Mikrotik deals V6 mostly in software? That Cisco 6800 series (still pretty wide used) is not ready to full support of today's IPv6 world? I don't know, where you got/found my alleged excuses about 'not deploy IPv6'. I'm letting you know, that my networks are IPv6 ready for many years, and the problem of using V6 in software is serious and your witchcraft and wishes will not change this. Your statement is polarity distant from good manners. Nothing justifies it. -- stary.bezpiek