In a message written on Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 01:54:45PM +0000, wrote:
Therefore, I believe that all the RIRs should jointly do some research to establish a prudent date at which IPv6 will be considered to have reached critical mass so that there will be a significant migration of users from IPv4 to IPv6. Once we set our sights on this date we should
I am going to strongly disagree on this point at this time. We don't know that there will /ever/ be a strong migration of users to IPv6. IPv6 may yet flop completely, be replaced by IPv8 or something before it ever reaches full deployment, or even always live side by side with IPv4. Even if we assume everything migrates to IPv6, I see no reason why we should change IPv4 policy at all. First, if people are migrating IPv4 policy becomes irrevelant anyway. Second, if the IPv4 policy is hinderng things we should fix it in IPv6 policy to more quickly encourage cut over. -- Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at Read TMBG List -,