While I support the goals of 2013-03 in a post-IPv4-depletion world, we are currently in an uncomfortable intermediate state where IPv4 depletion has occurred in some regions (RIPE and APNIC) but not in others (ARIN, LACNIC, and AfriNIC).  I think it will be wise to wait until IPv4 depletion to remove of (at least some) needs requirements in those regions that still have an IPv4 free pool.

As a result of the fact of remaining RIR free pools, and the current policy and sentiment in the ARIN region that inter-RIR IPv4 transfers should occur only to organizations/regions that justify need for the addresses (to avoid a run on said free pool), I think it would be wise to do something like this:

 - First, pass an inter-RIR transfer policy in the RIPE region that is compatible with both the APNIC and ARIN inter-RIR transfer policies (i.e. has some form of needs justification).
 - Second, make sure that RIPE's transfer policy serves all organizations in the RIPE region, including those who in the past got PI space from RIPE.
 - Third, relax the ARIN region's inter-RIR transfer policy such that after IPv4 depletion in the ARIN region, transfers are allowed to regions with policies like 2013-03.
 - Fourth, pass something along the lines of 2013-03 in the RIPE region (to take effect) after IPv4 depletion has occurred in the ARIN region.
 - Fifth, update policy in other regions as well to align policy with the needs of a post-IPv4-depletion world.

I'm more than happy to help drive #3 and eventually #5 in the ARIN region.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:33 AM, <sandrabrown@ipv4marketgroup.com> wrote:
> You can find the full proposal at:
> https://www.ripe.net/ripe/policies/proposals/2013-03
> We encourage you to review this proposal and send your comments to
> <address-policy-wg@ripe.net> before 16 April 2013.


This goal of 2012-03 was to align the justification period with the
other RIR's who allow inter-RIR transfers.  Tore's proposal 2013-03 will
remove justification altogether, which is what all the RIR's need to do.
 The reason I went with a 24 month justification period in 2012-03 was
because that was the period APNIC and ARIN use.  I was hopeful that this
would align the RIPE such that when transfers to and from those RIR's
were considered, they would be allowed, because the RIPE would have a
"like" policy.

Tore's policy may have the impact of bringing ALL the RIR's into the
current market reality:  that when an entity is paying for IP's, that is
needs justification enough.  There is no hoarding in an unencumbered
market.  RIPE is demonstrating true world leadership here.

Sandra Brown