Randy Bush wrote:
like other representative systems such as legislatures, the RIRs have moved from being associations of their users to becoming self-perpetuating governmental bureaucracies, who are not actually users themselves, but speak for us, tell us what we think and should do, and how we are being uncooperative and sneering. but at least the RIRs are not invading foreign countries and murdering people, as my local governmental bureaucracy seems wont to do.
I could not agree more. No, really. There is no way for anyone with 'opposing' views to make them heard in any relevant forum. Mailing lists are not classed as official, and unless you speak "bureauocratese" (as I have said before), you cannot be heard in any official forum. I expect the overstaffed gravy train that is RIPE to continue supporting it's implicit "jobs for friends and for life" policies to continue and for us "members" to be expected to pay without any real voice. Please don't bother telling me about "taking part" and "attending meetings", I did that in the past, now I cannot be bothered wasting the airfare. Peter