I agree with Mikael.

It all goes again and again. 

I don’t see a need to change the current policy. Especially not to reduce the assignment. 

There has to come a time for the IP4 to finish at RIR level before pressure builds up on Ip6 rollout for those who didn’t bother to date. I don’t believe prolonging this even further serves the interest the community better, it does however serves the interest of brokers and rouge LIRs selling ‘Virgin, never used blocks’ on the market today by increasing their profits.

I’m against this proposal.

With Kind Regards, 
Dominik Nowacki 
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On 22 Sep 2017, at 08:53, Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike@swm.pp.se> wrote:

On Fri, 22 Sep 2017, Randy Bush wrote:

people will say all sorts of stupid things; funny monkeys we are.  this does not mean we should use technology to teach morality lessons.  it has not worked out too well when tried.

My point is that it's useless to prolong the agony. The more we do, the longer people will procrastinate, and the more painful it becomes. /22 is a good tradeoff between the different goals here. It was a good tradeoff when it was implemented, I see it still being a good tradeoff 3 years from now.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swmike@swm.pp.se