Maybe this is not a democracy but I hope most of us try to be as democratic as possible. I was not addressing the person. I like Gert, I like Jim and many other people. I really admire most of them. But this doesn't mean that I should just shut up when I disagree with some ideas.  And yes, probably my comparison is far from the reality but I do hope people can understand metaphors.

You judging me is not less bad than me judging someone else except that, I reapeat, I'm just addressing the facts and actions and not the people. As an exception I brought up how Gert bend the policy for his personal benefit and now tries to impose policies which would have not allowed him to do what he did. But as I insisted, let's no longer discuss this subject. I do think what he did was wrong but it's not for me to judge him so I won't.

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 4:22 PM, Jan Ingvoldstad <> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 2:58 PM, Ciprian Nica <> wrote:

Unsubscribe, shut up, go away... Next time you'll send me to a concentration camp ? No I WILL NOT SHUT UP ! I will always express my opinion even if I'm the only one in the world supporting it. A great romanian said that the best definition of democracy is "I will fight till my last drop of blood so you will have the right to disagree with me".

Your democratic right is to express your opinions without persecution from governmental authorities (with certain limitations).

However, this is not a democracy.

Additionally, you do not have the right to force your invective on others. We are not obliged to listen or read what you write, and as a mailing list member, you are obliged to at least a minimum of civility and courtesy to other members of the same list, be they WG chairs, or regular members.

Calling them nazis and implicating that reacting to your behaviour is to send you to a concentration camp is far, far out of line, and shows that you're too disconnected from reality to listen to or respect, sorry.