Hi, On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 12:22:08PM +0000, Nick Hilliard wrote:
Radu-Adrian FEURDEAN wrote on 14/11/2019 17:46:
On Thu, Nov 14, 2019, at 14:56, Nick Hilliard wrote:
As you're speaking in favour of the proposal, can you describe what problem you want to see fixed here?
Problem : adapt the default assignment to the needs of most, in order to prolong pool's life, while allowing those that need to grow to do so while minimising re-numbering at maximum.
It looks like the pool is probably large enough to last indefinitely under the current assignment policy. It's not clear what changing the assignment policy is going to fix.
Not wanting to stop a lively discussion, but technically we're behind the end of the discussion period and Remco is supposed to decide on "does the proposer want to proceed, rewrite, withdraw" now. Do we need more time? Or has any substantial argument been made, and everything else is just repetition now? Gert Doering -- APWG chair -- have you enabled IPv6 on something today...? SpaceNet AG Vorstand: Sebastian v. Bomhard, Michael Emmer Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 Aufsichtsratsvors.: A. Grundner-Culemann D-80807 Muenchen HRB: 136055 (AG Muenchen) Tel: +49 (0)89/32356-444 USt-IdNr.: DE813185279