The address space in question is already allocated, hence unavailable. The question is how to incent folks to put their "allocated but unused" address space back into play. Stamping your foot and declaring "markets are bad" isn't likely to be too helpful.
And thinking that you can influence address-holders decision making without pricing an IPv4 at several hundred thousand dollars, is also not likely to be too helpful. Any organization who contemplates selling a block of IPv4 addresses has to conside the reality that it would be an extremely constrained market where the supply is going down and they are not making any new IPv4 addresses. This means that if you do sell, and then discover that you needed those addresses after all, the price to buy them back could be substantially higher than your sale price. In the face of continually rising prices, it is risky to sell any addresses at all, unless you are absolutely certain, at the CEO/board level, that the addresses are not needed, or if the price that you would receive is at least several hundred thousand dollars. This is a recipe for a gold-rush style market followed by liquidity collapse which will have additional knock-on effects in the real markets, i.e. share prices. --Michael Dillon