
I like the latest version of the policy proposal and appreciate the fact that it is now (probably) compatible with ARIN's need-based transfer policy. I fully support it.

Kind regards,

On 16/01/15 14:49, Marco Schmidt wrote:
Dear colleagues,

The draft documents for version 3.0 of the policy proposal 2014-05, 
"Policy for Inter-RIR Transfers of Internet Resources", have now been 
published, along with an impact analysis conducted by the RIPE NCC.

Some of the differences from version 2.0 include:  

- Introduction of needs justification for transfers from RIR regions that require need-based policies
- Explicit statement about when RIPE policies apply during a transfer
- Related wording adjustments in the summary and rationale of the proposal

You can find the full proposal and the impact analysis at:

The draft documents are available at:


We encourage you to read the draft document text and send any comments
to <address-policy-wg@ripe.net> before 16 February 2015.


Marco Schmidt
Policy Development Officer


Elvis Daniel Velea

Chief Executive Officer

Email: elvis@V4Escrow.net
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