Hi Jim, You understandme wrong or I did not said it well. Im saying I have deployed IPv6 on my network. I cant "force" a customer to buy another home router supporting IPv6. Anyways, as all of you know, IPv6 isnt globally deployed to work only on that, so you need Dual-Stack or DS-lite,NAT64, etc... if you run out of IPv4. My infrastucture support full IPv6 conectivity, we as an ISP do our job on IPv6 deployment. About newcomers on 5,10 or 20 years... I will not talk about 5 years, but 10 or 20....if in 10-20 years IPv6 is not the main protocol as IPv4 is now, dude, we have a very big problem. We cant know what will happen then. But now, year 2014, LIRs with only /22 are having "troubles" managing their network with only 1024 addresses. What Im trying is to help them (and me!) with that additional /22 (or it could start with /24 since there is a proposal to remove the minium allocation of /22) so they will have a breath while IPv6 are fully deployed on the world. A /24 can give you the chance to grow in customers without wasting in expensive equipment for CGNAT, NAT64, etc.. for some time, maybe the time needed by the rest of the world to finish in the IPv6 deployment. Please, sorry about my very bad english, I know some phrases could not have sense. If so, please tell me and I will try to explain in other way so you all can understand what Im trying to say. Regards, El 02/07/2014 11:35, Jim Reid escribió:
On 2 Jul 2014, at 10:10, Dpto. Datos Television Costa Blanca <datos@tvt-datos.es> wrote:
I know opening the door to this could make IPv6 deploy slower, but if one of the requirements to get another /22 (or other prefix) is to have 5 stars plus other ones to ensure the deploy and use of IPv6 it may help on IPv6 deployment. I am not sure what problem you are trying to solve. Or how changing address policy will solve that problem.
You say half your customers don't have IPv6-enabled CPE. This does not seem to me to be a justification for ripping up the current address policy to burn through the remaining dregs of IPv4 and leave absolutely nothing for any newcomers in 5, 10 or 20 years from now.
To be quite blunt, ISPs these days really must be shipping dual-stack CPE AND have the supporting IPv6 infrastructure in place: working v6 transport/routing; provisioning; DNS; addressing/subnetting plans; etc, etc.
-- Daniel Baeza Centro de Observación de Red Dpto. Internet y Telefonía Television Costa Blanca S.L. Telf. 966190565 WEB: http://www.tvt.es Correo: datos@tvt-datos.es --AVISO LEGAL-- En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre de protección de datos de carácter personal, se pone en conocimiento del destinatario del presente correo electrónico, que los datos incluidos en este mensaje, están dirigidos exclusivamente al citado destinatario cuyo nombre aparece en el encabezamiento, por lo que si usted no es la persona interesada rogamos nos comunique el error de envío y se abstenga de realizar copias del mensaje o de los datos contenidos en el mismo o remitirlo o entregarlo a otra persona, procediendo a borrarlo de inmediato. Asimismo le informamos que sus datos de correo han quedado incluidos en nuestra base de datos a fin de dirigirle, por este medio, comunicaciones comerciales, profesionales e informativas y que usted dispone de los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y especificación de los mismos, derechos que podrá hacer efectivos dirigiéndose a Televisión Costa Blanca, S.L., C/ San Policarpo 41 Bajo. C.P: 03181 Torrevieja (Alicante).