It looks like RIPE NCC does the same thing (assigning 1 block and "reserving" the next three) with IPv6 PI blocks: ripencc|CZ|ipv6|2001:67c:22d0::|48|20110531|assigned ripencc|EU|ipv6|2001:67c:22d4::|48|20110531|assigned ripencc|SI|ipv6|2001:67c:22d8::|48|20110601|assigned ripencc|NL|ipv6|2001:67c:22dc::|48|20110601|assigned Best regards, Paul Hoogsteder Breedband Delft/Meanie
Download the "delegated-ripencc-extended-*" file from http://albatross.ripe.net/delegated-extended/
cat delegated-ripencc-extended-20110718 | grep ipv6 | cut -d\| -f4,5,7 | sort | more *|19392 2001:1400::|32|allocated 2001:1401::|32|available 2001:1402::|31|available 2001:1404::|30|available 2001:1408::|32|allocated 2001:1409::|32|available 2001:140a::|31|available 2001:140c::|30|available 2001:1410::|32|allocated 2001:1411::|32|available 2001:1412::|31|available 2001:1414::|30|available 2001:1418::|32|allocated 2001:1419::|32|available 2001:141a::|31|available 2001:141c::|30|available 2001:1420::|32|allocated
David Conrad <drc@virtualiz ed.org> Para Enviado por: Jasper Jans ipv6-wg-admin@ <Jasper.Jans@espritxb.nl> ripe.net cc ipv6-wg@ripe.net, "address-policy-wg@ripe.net 20/07/2011 Working Group" 10:09 <address-policy-wg@ripe.net> Asunto Re: [address-policy-wg] RE: [ipv6-wg] additional IPv6 allocation (ripe-512 issues) Clasificación
On Jul 18, 2011, at 9:38 PM, Jasper Jans wrote:
The RIPE currently reserves a /29 for every initial /32.
Is this really true? When the RIRs and IANA were discussing the /12 allocations, the RIRs claimed one of the reasons they needed /12s was because they would all be using the "bisection method" of allocation to remove the need for reservation. It would be sad to hear RIPE still hadn't followed through.
Regards, -drc
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