On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 16:20, Nick Hilliard <nick@inex.ie> wrote: 
Regardless of the history of the previous proposal, history will not look
back kindly if we collectively flail our arms in the air and claim "it
would never work, so there's no point in even trying".   Call this naivety,
idealism, or stupidity - I don't really care.  The policy has merit and
refusing to deal with it now (while we're still vaguely sanguine about IPv4
address allocation) will merely create a much more troublesome environment
for attempting to get any sort of global agreement of any sort in the
future (when no-one will be even remotely happy about allocation policy).

I completely agree. You have, in fact, written a fairly accurate description of why I am putting my time and effort into this policy. Now is the time to act - we can neither live in the past nor expect the future to take care of itself.

(again speaking entirely on my own)
