Hi Nick,

Policy https://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-592 states ....

1.1 Scope

This document describes the policies for the responsible management of globally unique IPv4 Internet address space in the RIPE NCC service region. 

But that is as close I could find it ... 

The policy is valid for allocation and assignment IN the RIPE service region ... Not outside ..

Can you use the IP addresses within the region but for customers originating outside the region: yes.
Can you use the IP adresses outside the region but for EU region customers: that is a bit grey I think, but I'm going for yes.
The issue is that you should have a RIPE region based entity to qualify to request resources.
Also if you want to obtain for instance with an EU entity at ARIN, to host US based customers, it isn't possible. they require you to have an ARIN region based entity as well. Although RIPE is generally easier in that respect (policy interpertation) 

You should be able to route your resources at multiple locations, as long as they are not single homed in the incorrect service region (imho) ... 

But there might be a clearer definition required if desired... 
What is your interpertation of it ?

Erik Bais 

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad

Op 21 nov. 2013 om 22:35 heeft Nick Hilliard <nick@inex.ie> het volgende geschreven:

Apropos of, oh I don't know, the weather or the phase of the moon or
something, could someone point me to the RIPE policy which says that if
you're assigned address resources from the RIPE NCC, that they cannot be
announced from outside the RIPE NCC service region?

[This is a genuine request, btw.  I've been flicking down through RIPE
policies for an hour or two today and can't find the reference.]
