Dear working group,


In the approaching time to the RIPE82 meeting there will be a couple things that are going to change.


First as you may be aware, the AP-WG session is going to be on the TUESDAY instead of the Wednesday.

This is due to the preference of people to not have WG sessions in parallel. So the AP-WG session is moved to the Tuesday May 18th 10:30 am Amsterdam time (CEST - UTC+2)


Second this is going to be last WG session with our faithful Gert as co-Chair of the WG, as he is going to step down.

And because he started RIPE 44 in Amsterdam, 2003 as chair for the LIR-WG (now AP-WG), he is probably one of the longest serving Chairs in our community.


So, on the agenda, we have the following planned.  We will be publishing a couple presentations in pre-recording, so that we can have more time for discussions.

The publication of those pre-recordings is planned for the weekend before the WG session.


The session is in the meeting schedule for 90 minutes .. but we plan to do a short break in approx. the middle.. to allow for some fresh coffee / short toilet break.


So we have a pretty full agenda .. and we expect the session to allow for more time for discussion on various topics with this format, along with the information of the NCC about various topics. 




--- Draft agenda AP-WG session - RIPE82


A. Administrative Matters - Gert Döring

Welcome, thanking the scribe, approving the minutes, etc.


B. WG Chair selection / appointment - Erik Bais


C. Current Policy Topics (Q&A based on pre-published slides/recording)

    Angela Dall'Ara, PDO, RIPE NCC

- Global policy overview "What's going on?"

- Common policy topics in all regions (end of IPv4, transfers, ...)

- Brief overview of new proposals (if any)


D. Feedback from the RIPE NCC Registry Services (Q&A based on pre-published slides/recording)

    Marco Schmidt, Registration Services


[5 minutes break to top-up the hot drink of your choice]


E. Introduction of candidates for the NRO NC

    Ulka Athale


F. (Tentative) Agenda item arising from the DBTF

    James Kennedy or another DBTF member


G. What colour is my IP(v4) space? PI addresses and LIRs

    Remco van Mook


h. Systematic Review of RIPE Address Policy (Discussion)

- Proposal to review whether environmental changes since a policy were

agreed should be addressed with a policy update




Hope to see you all on RIPE82.



Gert Döring & Erik Bais,

AP-WG chairs