On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 2:12 AM, Infinity Telecom SRL <ip@infinitytelecom.ro
This is the question: "Could any of you have your company survive with only a /22 (and 10-15 $/IP extra, 256/512/1024 packs towards 15$/IP) ? "
Ok, I'll bite, as you seem to have a hangup about this. This depends a lot on what the business is. My employer is situated in one of the top 5 most expensive countries in the world (Norway, you may have heard about it), so in order to be competitive, we have to keep the gap between revenue and expenses minimal. Any price increase from our partners/vendors affects that negatively, and in some regards, 2015 started badly for us with a weakened currency towards the Euro, USD, and most other currencies. You probably think you know where this is leading, that I would post a statement agreeing with you, that the answer to your question is a resounding "no". If so, you're wrong. The answer is a very clear "yes". Additionally, you have a hangup about "survival". For most of us who are already doing business, I believe the problem is not about SURVIVAL. If it is, there is something very wrong with your business model. The problem is about GROWTH potential, though, and that potential is best with IPv6, not IPv4. IPv4's growth potential is a dead end, and that's been well-known for several years. Get over it. -- Jan