On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:39 PM, Erik Bais <ebais@a2b-internet.com> wrote:
Having said this, this policy will help us all in the so much required v6 adoption across the board and it is still possible to propose a change in the v6 PI policy if the take-up is moving out of hand. Exactly.
Btw, the net is already poisoned. It all began with the wide deployment of NAT-Routers as CPE. This internet currently is not the "network of all networks", in fact, it hasn't been the past years. We now have the ability to provide every customer[1] with a network, and we fail to give them addresses. Seriously? Whats wrong? Again: A PIv4 holder cannot get his hands on a PIv6 if he is not multihomed. This leads to a) PIv4 holders not deploying IPv6; b) PIv4 holders mixing PI and PA space, which requires renumbering if the provider changes. Guess what makes more sense in a business-plan to the financial departement? I cannot believe this discussion is still on... Drop it if you are unsure, so I can say "told you so" later on. ;) regards, Dan [1] customer, a: the one who pays my bills.