On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Job Snijders <job@instituut.net> wrote:
2) We limited the number of AS Number assignments per LIR to one thousand. This currently values an AS Number assignment at roughly 2 euros, which in my opinion would be a fine number. This approach would have both an abuse-dampening and a garbage collection effect.
I do agree with the aim of the proposal and while I don't see the same potential for abuse as Nick does, mainly because I see no real use or value in having a myriad of ASNs just lying around. Reinstating the 50€/year scheme may make sense, here. As to the option above, at first glance 1000 seems like a lot, but without supporting data, it's hard to tell. Requiring, and verifying, documentation after X ASN may be an option, but this feels like a bandaid where the simple fee used to be. Richard PS: For Gert's benefit: I support this proposal in its current form already, even though there's still room for improvement.