Hi Daniel, Welcome to the AP-WG list ;-)
The /22 allocation restriction to new LIRs are only for new LIRs or for all LIRs? We only got a /22 as new LIR, and we cant ask for more IPs, proving we need it or not. I know, this is a recursive discussion, but I wonder if old LIRs can ask for more IPs or they are restricted as new LIRs are.
The policy is that every LIR has the right for 1 final /22 from the 'final /8 pool' .. to be exact and copy the policy: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/ripe-606#5 <quote> On application for IPv4 resources LIRs will receive IPv4 addresses according to the following: The size of the allocation made will be exactly one /22. The sum of all allocations made to a single LIR by the RIPE NCC after the 14th of September 2012 is limited to a maximum of 1024 IPv4 addresses (a single /22 or the equivalent thereof). The LIR must confirm it will make assignment(s) from the allocation. Allocations will only be made to LIRs if they have already received an IPv6 allocation from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC. In case an allocation of a single /22 as per clause 1 can no longer be made, multiple allocations up to an equivalent of a /22 in address space will be made to fulfill a request. </end quote> That means that every old AND new LIR can get upto a single /22 worth in IP address or 1024 IP addresses. These IP addresses come from the 185.x.y.z range. Your LIR has been activated at : 2013-06-24, which is well after the IPv4 depletion date, and as such you fall in the group of LIR's that didn't had any IP space before the final /8 policy came active. So the only IPv4 you can request (from RIPE) is the /22 IPv4. You can however contact an IP broker if you require more IP space and ask them if they have customers who want to sell you their rights of use of PA space or the ownership of their ERX space.
Again, I know, IPv4 is exhausted but this can't be used for making lot and fast money from new LIRs that only have /22 allocation and need more.
I wonder if a change proposal of the policy to allow to ask for more IPs, of course proving the use of the ones you already have, and only giving /24's would be accepted by the community or I will get flamed for making the proposal.
Please, feel free to discuss about this if you are going to say something usefull.
Ah the discussion of those who have and those who haven't got any ... Remember that the policy that we work with currently is designed to allow for future LIR's to be able to have at least some IP space .. versus no IP space. By allowing more IP space to be handed out, someone in the future might think that it was unfair that the policy was changed and now they won't have any IP space to request at RIPE if RIPE runs out faster in the 'final /8 pool'. The current LIR's won't give back any IP addresses.. nor will a policy that might suggest such, ever get through (is my guess) ... On the suggestion to require to need to proof that you already use the IP's that you have ... ehh.. we just got rid of that type of text in the old policy documents as it was no longer required as there is a simple policy.. you can have 1 /22 ... if you are a LIR, you can request a final /22 from the 185.x.y.z range.. and that's it.. No documents needed anymore, no need to proof anything.. I hope this helps. Regards, Erik Bais