* Adrian Pitulac <adrian@idsys.ro> [2016-04-15 21:03]:
I'm a little doubtful that old LIR's restricted themselves from eating up all the space. I'm more inclining to believe that certain old LIR's made a big business from this, by creating an artificial market and then sold their free ip pools on the market for a hefty profit. Not to say about the greedy ones who destroyed small ISP's just to make profit from the ip ranges they had.
If we didn't have the policy the pool would be gone now and new LIRs would be forced to buy addresses on the free market. Don't you think that would've been the goal if "old" LIRs wanted to make money by selling their addresses? Most bigger LIRs make money by connecting people to the internet, believe it or not. The motivation to make money by selling address blocks only started a while ago and by my observation it's not primarily the old LIRs trying to make money from it. Regards Sebastian -- GPG Key: 0x93A0B9CE (F4F6 B1A3 866B 26E9 450A 9D82 58A2 D94A 93A0 B9CE) 'Are you Death?' ... IT'S THE SCYTHE, ISN'T IT? PEOPLE ALWAYS NOTICE THE SCYTHE. -- Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant