Hi APWG folks, Below you can find a draft for the RIPE address policy WG meeting's agenda, which will be virtual at RIPE80 with the following time slot: Wednesday, May 13, 11:00 - 11:45 As there are currently no active policy proposals and the discussion should be done on the mailinglist anyway, we don’t have any presentations scheduled on new policy proposals. If you have anything else you want to see on the agenda, or if we need to change anything, please let us know. Regards, Gert Döring & Erik Bais, APWG chairs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, 11:00-11:45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Administrative Matters (welcome, thanking the scribe, approving the minutes, etc.) B. Re-Selection of co-chair - Erik Bais completed a term. C. Current Policy Topics - Petrit Hasani - NCC PDO - global policy overview "what's going on?" - common policy topics in all regions (end of IPv4, transfers, ...) - overview over concluded proposals in the RIPE region since RIPE 79 - brief overview of new proposals (if any) D. Feedback From NCC Registration Service - Nikolas Pediaditis - IPv4 runout status, initial waiting list experience Z. AOB