On Mon, 14 Sep 2015, Radu-Adrian FEURDEAN wrote:
Hello everybody,
Back at RIPE70 Elvis and me presented some ideas about revising the IPv4 allocation policy ( https://ripe70.ripe.net/presentations/93-Last-_8-allocation-size.pdf )
Interesting presentation. There are some points there I was no aware of. I would be interested in getting an educated guess what would happen if we went with the following policy: You get /20 to /24 depending on need/want instead of /22 for everybody. This would apply until we have last-/10 where we then go to /22-/24 depending on need/want. We would treat recovered pool the same as last /8, it's just treated as "addresses" so /10 is "/10 worth of adresses". My goal is still to have IPv4 addresses according to this policy by 2020. -- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se